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How To Change The Battery in a Jeep Key Fob

How To Change The Battery in a Jeep Key Fob

How To Change The Battery in a Jeep Key Fob

The battery in your key fob will need to be changed occasionally. Changing the battery is simple and should only take a matter of minutes. If you have any questions, however, we at Campbell McLennan Chrysler in Killam, Alberta, are happy to help. Reach out to us if you have questions or if you'd like to browse our wide new inventory of Jeep vehicles.

Step-By-Step Jeep Key Fob Battery Replacement

To change the key fob battery, insert a small flathead screwdriver into the seam of the key fob and lever the two pieces apart. Prying open the key fob is often easiest to do where the keyring is located. Once the key fob is opened, carefully remove the CR2032 battery and replace it with a new one. Always make sure that the positive side is facing up. Place the circuit board and keypad back down, then snap the two pieces of the key fob back together.

How To Program A Jeep Key Fob

It's easiest to program your key fob while sitting in the driver's seat. Make sure the doors and trunk are closed. Start by inserting the key into the ignition but leave it in the off position. Next, open the driver's side door, and while you have the door open, push the switch on the door into the locked position. Now, turn the key into the on position and press the lock button on your key fob. Hold the button down for five seconds. You can then let go of the button and remove the key from the ignition.

Jeep Service Centre Near You

Changing a key fob battery is important, but your vehicle will need other routine maintenance periodically. Our Service Centre is always happy to help with any issues or answer any questions about scheduling maintenance. Check out our new inventory or discuss the available payment options with our Finance Centre. Financing is simple, and we'd gladly walk you through the entire process. Our helpful staff will gladly answer any questions about the vehicle trade-in process.

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